Home Medical Index | First Posted: Mar 2007 Jan 21, 2020 | |
Annual Horse Vaccinesby Debora JohnsonThis is an excellent article from theHorse. It gives tons of information on pertinent information concerning equine vaccines: Infographic: Vaccinating Your Horse New: Lyme Disease Vaccination: - Not a core vaccine, however, important information to know on Lyme Disease Vaccine: Lyme Disease/Horses and Humans Many equine vets are now offering Lyme Disease Vaccination for horses in areas where Lyme Disease is known to be endemic. This vaccination is actually made for dogs. The efficacy and safety are not yet known in horses because the FDA has not yet given approval for horses. However, there is evidence that it is probably safe and effective. Your vet and you must determine if this is a vaccine that should be given to your horse. It is NOT recommended for horses who have or have had Lyme Disease. Vaccinating Brood Mares
Vaccination Basics For Horses New Information on Horse Vaccines Vaccination Reactions: Common, or Cause for Concern? Spring and fall are the two seasons when our horses get routine medical attention. At these two seasons a series of shots (vaccines) are given and sheath cleanings and teeth floatings are usually done. Often a wellness check is performed while the vet is visiting your horse. The following is a list of possible spring shots that will be given:
The neonate and young, growing horse can experience rapid changes in their health status, especially in their musculoskeletal systems. Your vet should perform frequent wellness exams on the young, growing horses. Foals are often seen at 12 to 24 hours, 4 weeks, 4 months, 5 months, 9 months, and 10 months of age during their first year of life. This schedule permits proper neonatal care, timely recognition of angular limb problems, and effective immunization against relevant infectious diseases. "Given the limited time window of surgical opportunity, early recognition of developmental orthopedic disease (DOD) is a priority...any evidence of joint effusion (fluid escape into the joint), lameness, tendon contracture, or angular limb deformity is promptly noted and investigated with further diagnostics. When appropriate, such conditions are treated surgically and/or via farrier care in collaboration with the veterinarian's input. Conditions such as umbilical hernias and retained testicles can be monitored for satisfactory improvement or the need for surgical repair." Harry Werner, DVM
Core Vaccines
Every horse, if possible, even the backyard pet that rarely leaves the farm, should receive the core vaccines, which are tetanus, Eastern/Western Equine Encephalomyelitis, West Nile Virus, and Rabies. In the case of one of my horses, he is unable to get the West Nile Virus shot as he has had major reactions from it. Sometimes the risk has to be considered and discussed with your vet.
Without a cure, rabies prevention becomes crucial. Vaccination of companion animals against rabies, including horses, cannot be overemphasized. All horses are potentially at risk and should be vaccinated. Bats, skunks, raccoons and fox are the major mammals that put your horse at risk for rabies. However, any mammal can contract rabies. It is important to know, however, that a rabies vaccination does not give 100% protection. Consider these points in regards to vaccination:
"...Modern vaccines are very effective in providing rabies immunity. The American Association of Equine Practitioners has recently listed rabies as one of the 'core vaccines' that should be given to all horses. Current recommendations are to begin immunization when a foal reaches 6 months of age, then follow with a booster dose in four to six weeks. Horses should then receive boosters at annual intervals starting at 10 to 12 months of age. Broodmares should be vaccinated four to six weeks prior to their delivery dates. Most state health departments mandate that the vaccine be given by a licensed veterinarian who will keep detailed records on the vaccination history of the horse." Newer DNA vaccines that are now used in horses for West Nile disease, and have been studied for use in equine rabies, may hold promise for better protection in the near future against rabies.
Note: One of my horses had very bad reactions to Ft. Dodge vaccines. He reacted badly to the West Nile Virus injection and to the Rhino Flu injection. If you have this problem two other manufacturers were given to me. Many vets will not order single dose shots because they get orders of 10 shots at a cheaper rate. They may also feel more comfortable with a vaccine that they are use to using. Whatever the reason, you may find yourself having to address this problem on your own. Suggestions: You can, however, order your own injections from Valley Vet Supply . They will overnight the vaccine to you--it must be refrigerated. Vestra is what they have and is made by a reputable manufacturer. Another brand is Murial . I have located a local vet who uses the murial brand of the West Nile Virus vaccine. I suspect A Patchy will do fine with that different manufacturer. He will be getting his shots the end of March and I will upload the result. I might add that we do give him bute for two days before the injection and one day after the injection. Some people will premedicate with banamine or trihist. Always check with your vet first. West Nile Virus is prevalent in our area and is a deadly disease. This shot is not an option for my horses. I do not give the Rhino Flu to my reactive horse anymore. The barn is stable, no horses coming and going. Also the three horses are all geldings. I have opted to not plague him with this shot. If he gets this disease it is not deadly and is treatable. Other possible vaccines. Check with your vet to see if any are necessary for your horse: Equine Protozoal Myelitis, Equine Viral Arteritis , Botulism, Rotavirus *A horse's teeth continue to grow throughout its lifetime. Uneven teeth can cause a horse to loose weight because food is not chewed properly and is lost. Often you can see grain falling out the sides of their mouths when they chew. Eating hay and grass can also become a problem. Teeth problems can cause other troubles with your horse's health, as well as bad habits such as head tossing. For More Information: Teeth FloatingTeeth Equine Dentistry |