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Horses and Dogs
First Posted: Sept 12,2010
Jan 21, 2020

Puppy's First Day At New Home

by Debora Johnson

What Can I Expect?

Be Prepared for your new puppy. Make sure that you have purchased a dog crate or bed, have puppy chow, a collar, leash, toys, food and water bowls and any other items that may be recommended by the breeder or vet. Have a family pow wow to discuss how you are going to train the puppy. Set down rules that everyone will follow the same way because consistency of training and routine are really important for you and your puppy, especially in the beginning of your lives together.

Everyone is really excited. A new puppy is coming! The children are squealing "Let me hold him." "No, let me hold him!" Emotions are running high. Remember a puppy is fragile. He needs to be handled gently and for short periods of time. He needs a puppy place that is all his. Line it with paper on the floor in case there are accidents. Put his food, water and crate in a corner of the area. Animals do not like to soil where they eat and sleep. Puppies need to sleep a lot. Let your puppy sleep when he needs it. Explain to your children that a puppy needs quiet time, too. Have your rules established and stick to them. Don't let the puppy sleep in the bed. Make sure that he sleeps in the crate or designated puppy area. Don't hand feed your puppy. If you do not stick to your plan of training the next thing you know your family is fighting and the puppy is learning bad behavior. Also, important to know is try to keep the puppy from being overstimulated. They tend to have accidents, jump up, and whine. Also, overstimulating your puppy can cause him to development hypoglycemia. Signs of hypoglycemia are lethargy, will not eat or drink, and may be unable to get up. Call the vet immediately. Pedialite can be fed instead of water to keep they puppy's electrolytes in balance. Your vet will give you further instructions.


Try to put yourself in your new puppy's place. How would you feel if you were taken from the only home you have known, your mother, your brothers and sisters, your familiar surroundings and smells, everything that is familiar to you? That is how your puppy feels. His mother and litter mates are gone, everything smells and looks different, there is lots of noise and stimulation, the food and water is unfamiliar, the kennel or crate is different. Give your puppy as much security and routine as you can for the first few months he is at his new home. Yes, gentle handling, quiet time, security and routine will be your best friend for the next several months. You, your family, and your puppy will be the better for it. Your puppy will grow up to interact with you in a positive way. He will grow up to be a loyal and loved member of your family.

Horses and Dogs