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Cat and Kitten Index
First Posted: Jan 14, 2009
Jan 21, 2020

Cats Spraying Urine, Scratching, Clawing, Biting, Not Using Box

"Spraying urine, avoiding the cat box and clawing furniture are just a few kitty behaviors that can grate on the nerves of even the most fervent feline admirers. While these actions make perfect sense to cats, some owners are convinced their cat isn't normal. Others go so far as to think their wayward pet is rebelling or misbehaving out of spite. Perhaps, in frustrated moments, you've felt that way, too. What you may not realize is that you could inadvertently be the cause of your cat's reform-school behaviors.

If your cat's extracurricular activities are causing it to wear out its welcome, don't despair. Nearly all cat behaviors -- even the most exasperating ones -- are predictable and easily remedied. The key to solving problem behaviors is to see the world through the eyes of your cat, according to animal behavior consultant Pamela Johnson-Bennett, who was certified in Nashville, Tenn., and is the author of Psycho Kitty, Tips For Solving Your Cat's Crazy Behavior (Celestial Arts). 'You can't truly correct a behavior problem until you discover the cause,' she says, adding that most unwanted behaviors are only problematic to you and not your pet." Follow the link below to read all about it.

Mmisbehaving Kitten or Cat

Cat and Kitten Index