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First Posted June 22, 2008
Jan 21, 2020

Timber Hitch or Bowyer's Knot

Timber Hitch Knot

The timber hitch is a knot used to attach a single length of rope to a piece of wood. This knot is easily undone after use.

To make the knot, pass the rope completely around the wood. Pass the running end around the standing part, then through the loop that you have just formed. Make three turns around the loop then pull on the standing part to tighten. Take care that you double the rope back on itself before making the three turns, or it won't hold. Three are recommended for natural rope such as jute, whereas five turns are needed on synthetic rope like nylon.

This knot is also known as the Bowyer's Knot as it is used to attach the lower end of the bowstring to the bottom limb on an English Longbow.

This knot is also very commonly used to attach ukulele strings to the bridge of the instrument.

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