Image: Public Domain/President William Henry Harrison
Term: March 4, 1841-April 4, 1841
Vice President: John Tyler
Home State: Ohio
Wife: Anna Tuthill Symmes
Children: Elizabeth Bassett, John Cleves Symmes, Lucy Singleton, William Henry, Jr., John Scott, Mary Symmes, Benjamin, Carter Bassett, Anna Tuthill, & James Findlay

Image: Public Domain/Library of Congress Before being elected President, William Henry Harrison had an accomplished military career. Best known for his repulsion of Indian forces in the 1811 Battle of Tippecanoe, Harrison-promoted to brigadier general during the War of 1812-was also responsible for the defeat of British and Indian forces at the Battle of the Thames in 1813. Trading in a decorated military career, Harrison plunged into politics but not before establishing a successful horse breeding operation. Around the end of the 18th Century. He was considered one of the most prominent breeders in what was then the Northwest Territory.

Henry was the ninth president. At the age of 67, William Henry Harrison became the oldest man elected as President of the United States until Ronald Reagan was elected in 1980. He won on the slogan "Tippecanoe and Tyler too" on the Whig ticket. President Harrison gave the longest inauguration speech in history and had the shortest term. He was the first president to die in office. He served only 30 days before dying of pneumonia. His wife, Anna, never had a chance to be First Lady, but was given a widow’s pension of $25,000 and lifetime franking privilege. President William Henry Harrison was buried in Ohio and the Whig party died with him. William Henry Harrison was not in the White House long serving only one month before he died. It should be noted that President William Henry Harrison was portrayed in a 1991 Christmas ornament issued by the White House Historical Society. He was depicted atop a white charger in full military regalia. Harrison spent many years on the Northwest Frontier (as it was known in his time) probably spending Christmas with family or his troops. There is little written about President Harrison's Christmas celebrations prior to his short tenure in the White House.

For More Information:

William Henry Harrison
White House Christmas Cards
First posted: Aug 12, 2015
Last update: Jan 21, 2020