Kate's Conservation
Conservation Corner Quiz
Prince William Soil & Water Conservation District
By Kate Norris

Test Your Knowledge of Topics from Past Articles

  1. A healthy pasture reduces soil erosion. T F

  2. A manure pile stored near a stream provides beneficial fish food when runoff occurs from the pile. T F

  3. A 1,000 lb.-horse produces ______ lbs. of manure per day.

    a. 15 lbs.
    b. 25 lbs.
    c. 45 lbs.

  4. A horse farm with 2 horses that are kept in stalls 12 hours per day will collect______ tons of manure and dirty bedding per year.

    a. 8 tons
    b. 15 tons
    c. 30 tons

  5. When should horses be confined to a sacrifice area?

    a. in wet weather
    b. when you are applying fertilizer and seed to the pastures
    c. when pastures need to rest
    d. all of the above

  6. Spreading horse manure on pasture or hayland will reduce or eliminate your need to apply commercial fertilizers. T F

  7. A pasture with 25% clover or more will not require nitrogen fertilizer because of the nitrogen-fixing capabilities of clover. T F

  8. The best time to seed clover is? Why?

    a. late winter because the freezing and thawing action will work the clover into the soil
    b. spring because it's best to seed clover into warm soil
    c. fall because this is when you'll be seeding other grasses

  9. The best time to spread manure on a pasture is in the winter while the ground is frozen and plants are not actively growing. T F

  10. Keeping a permanently vegetated grass or forested buffer between your horses and ponds, streams, or wetlands will greatly reduce the amount of nutrients in fertilizers and manure, herbicides, and loose soil that could enter the waterway. T F

  11. Ideally, the buffer width should be_____ feet wide.

    a. 5 feet
    b. 15 feet
    c. 35+ feet

  12. _____ is an aggressive, drought-tolerant grass that persists well under less than ideal management. It is well suited to small-acreage horse operations that do not have broodmares.

    a. Orchardgrass
    b. Bluegrass
    c. Kentucky 31 Tall Fescue

  13. Soil and manure testing, site visits, and farm planning through the District are ______

    a. $50
    b. $150
    c. Free

  14. If needed, lime is more important to apply than fertilizers or manure. T F

  15. Rotational grazing involves subdividing your pastures so that each horse or small group of horses can graze in the same field year round. T F

    Answers: 1-T, 2-F, 3-c, 4-b, 5-d, 6-T, 7-T, 8-a, 9-F, 10-T, 11-c, 12-c. 13-c, 14-T 15-F

Kate's Conservation