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Horse Facts and Tips
First Posted: Mar 23, 2009
Jan 21, 2020

Sustainable Dressage Movements

Dressage - ANDREAS HELGSTRAND - WEG2006 Freestyle Final

We often hear the following terms in the horse world: Turn on the hindquarters, turn on the forehand, shoulder-in, haunches-in, and leg yielding. These are staple terms in the dressage rider's arena. How can you train your horse to do these sustainable movements? My husband and I trail ride and have trained our horses to perform all of these movements on cue. We feel it is really important to have our horses be responsive to our requests, especially in a trailing environment where anything can surprise a horse.

For More Information:

Sustainable Dressage Movements is an excellent site. It has complete and easily understood descriptions, with excellent drawings of each movement, as well. I found it while researching another article for HorseHints. Enjoy.

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Horse Facts and Tips