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Horse Breeds
First Posted: July 2, 2009
May 13, 2020

Knabstrupper Horse


Silverking II

Max Bodilsker

"...A former farmer N.H. Nielsen and his son, barrister C.N. Ledager, with the purpose to make a stud farm for Knabstrup horses, in attempt to, with rational breeding, to continue development of this once so famous horse, bought Egemosegaard in 1946. The stud farm bought two stallions 1946 - 1948, 'Silverking II' " 'Max Bodilsker.' In 1954 the stud farm was culminating with 15 horses in the stables. It had a great reputation, and people from all over the country came to visit, until the finish in 1959." Excellent History of the Knabgstruper

Country of Origin: Denmark


The Knabstrupper breed came about relatively recently and as the result of a single mare's strong characteristics. Spotted coats were evident in cave paintings and have been popular throughout ancient and modern times. The founding mare, Flaebenhoppen, was bought from a butcher who acquired the Spanish horse from a Spanish army officer. The mare produced a line of spotted horses that became popular as circus horses.

Physical Description

The most obvious characteristic of the Knabstrupper is that which also distinguishes it from other breeds: its spotted coat. The horse has been bred almost primarily for its coat in recent time; however, this had led to a degeneration in breed conformation. The purebred Knabstrupper, although rare, has a kind and intelligent head with a white sclera encircling the eye. The back is generally straight, a peculiarity of the Knabstrupper and Appaloosa, and the quarters powerful.


In 1808 the mare Flaebenhoppen was acquired by Judge Lunn. She proved to pass on her spotted coat when crossed with Frederiksborgs. The resulting horses were tough but intelligent and tractable, and, in general, a close resemblance to the Frederiksborg but more lightly built. In recent years, the breed has lost much of its original conformation due to the modern practice of breeding the Knabstrupper with the Frederiksborg.


1. Spanish 2. Frederiksborg

For More Information:

Danish Knabstrupper Association
American Knabstrupper Association
Breed Standard


Permission given by my dear friend, Cowboy Frank, to use his breeds section.
Oklahoma State University list of livestock breeds

Horse Breeds